Tree Stand Harness and Safety: Everything You Need to Know

Tree Stand Harness and Safety: Everything You Need to Know

2023-10-11 15:36:01


Tree stand harnesses play a crucial role in the world of hunting, ensuring the safety of hunters as they perch high in trees, waiting for their prey. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what tree stand harnesses are, their importance, proper usage, carabiner selection, differences in types and styles, DIY options, safe removal, and handling emergencies.

1. What is a tree stand harness?

A tree stand harness is a specialised piece of hunting equipment designed to keep hunters secure when perched on tree stands or elevated platforms. It acts as a lifeline, preventing falls and providing essential safety in a high-risk hunting environment.

2. The Role of a Safety Harness in Tree Stands

The primary function of a safety harness in a tree stand is to prevent falls. When correctly worn and connected to a secure point on the tree, the harness acts as a vital link between the hunter and the tree, ensuring they stay in their stand, even in challenging conditions.

3. How to Properly Wear and Use a Tree Stand Harness

Proper usage is critical for safety. To wear a tree stand harness correctly, follow these steps:

a. Put on the harness, making sure all straps are snug but not overly tight.

b. Attach the tether or lifeline to the tree using a secure carabiner.

c. Fasten your harness to the tether, ensuring there is no slack.

d. Perform a hang test before use to ensure the harness fits correctly and supports your weight.

4. Choosing the Right Carabiner for Your Tree Stand Harness

Selecting the appropriate carabiner is essential. Look for carabiners with a high weight-bearing capacity and a locking mechanism to prevent accidental openings. Always check compatibility with your harness.
tree climbing gear companies, tree stand harness carabiner 

5. Different Types and Styles of Tree Stand Harnesses

Tree stand harnesses come in various styles, including vest-style, chest harnesses, and full-body harnesses. The choice depends on personal preference and the level of comfort and safety you desire.

6. DIY Tree Stand Harness Connection Systems

For the resourceful hunter, it's possible to create a DIY tree stand harness connection system. Use strong, durable ropes or webbing material, ensuring they meet safety standards. However, we recommend purchasing a certified harness for the utmost safety.

7. Safely Removing Your Tree Stand Harness Carabiner

Removing a carabiner from your tree stand harness should be done with care. Ensure you have a backup connection point before unclipping, and always maintain three points of contact with the tree when releasing your harness.

8. Emergency Procedures in Tree Stands

In high-risk situations, such as injury or medical emergencies while in a tree stand, follow these guidelines:

a. Keep a whistle or communication device handy.

b. Call for help immediately.

c. Administer basic first aid if possible.

d. Avoid panicking and stay calm.


Tree stand harnesses carabiner are more than just hunting gear; they are lifelines, ensuring the safety of hunters in elevated positions. Understanding how to properly wear, choose, and use these harnesses, as well as how to handle emergencies, is essential for every hunter. Safety should always be a top priority to ensure a successful and enjoyable hunting experience. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the thrill of hunting from tree stands while minimising risks.

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