7 Magical Uses of Carabiners

7 Magical Uses of Carabiners

2022-09-29 17:48:52

Carabiners can be used not only during sports, but also have very powerful functions in daily life! Today, let's explore it together.




Method 1: fix the dog leash


You need to keep your dog on a leash when walking your dog. But if the rope is knotted, it is more troublesome to untie. But adding a carabiner to the end of the rope makes things a lot easier.


Method 2: water bottle rings


It is usually necessary to carry a water bottle when going out in summer, but it is very inconvenient to hold it by hand all the time. But with carabiners, you can hang the bottle up for easier portability.


Method 3: tidy up the rubber bands


Sometimes one or two rubber bands don't feel very messy. But if it were a bunch of rubber bands, it would look cluttered. Carabiner buckle, you can string all the rubber bands together, it will become neat and convenient to use.


Method 4: lengthen the keychain


Putting the key in the pocket sometimes still feels very unsafe, for fear of losing it. But if the key is connected to the carabiner ring and one end is tied around the waist, the key at the other end can be put in the pocket, which is safe and not afraid of losing it.


Method 5: fix the plug and socket


The junction of the two extension cord plugs can easily be torn apart. But with the addition of a carabiner clasp, they can be held firmly in place.


Method 6: torch ring


It is much more convenient to add a carabiner ring to the flashlight, which can be hung on the outside of the bag. This method can be used on things that are commonly used and hard to find.


Method 7: when the corkscrew is used


When you want to drink and can't find a bottle opener, the carabiner can also be used as a bottle opener.




We have Carabiners for sale, for more information, please kindly contact us at any time.

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